DEMAND MAX PENALTY for man who brutalized dog

Authorities arrested Peris Rice after witnesses informed them that the man was seen abusing his dog - the witnesses claim that Rice hit the dog with a leather belt, choked him and slammed a brick into his face. One of the good Samaritans who witnessed the horrific assault was able to convince Rice to hand over the dog before the police arrived.

According to Fox 8 News, after the incident, Officer Brandon Melbar took the abused dog into his home to recover and a short time later, he decided to officially adopt the dog, whose new name will be "Harvard."

The man accused of beating Harvard was arrested on a charge of cruelty to animals; he has pleaded not guilty and he was issued a $5,000 bond.

DEMAND he get far more than a slap on the wrist!! This is a violent criminal , someone who would do the same to any other animal in the future, and to humans as well. Punish him now, or punish him later for far worse.

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