Uppdatera #310 år sedan
We have over 811 signatures on this petition and only need 300 more to hit the target. If you have not forwarded this petition to your friends please do so now. Lets make this monster pay for the senseless killing and slaughter of these animals. The petiton ends on the 22nd of April, lets hit our target. Thank you so very much.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
There is a video that goes with this petition. We are just past the half way mark with signatures can you please send this petition out to friends to get some more signatures so we can complete this with success. Thank you so very much Bonnie.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thank you so very much for caring about these poor animals and the capture of this monster who has done so much devastation to these beautiful creatures. We are half way with the signatures so if you could please forward to friends to make this a success. Thank you for all of your help.