United Utilities: Don't Slaughter Geese Again - Create a Non-Lethal Plan !

  • av: D KENNEDY
  • mottagare: United Utilities - Warrington

United Utilities' site at Lingley Mere in Warrington has two lakes which had built up a population of about 100 adult Canada geese. On the night of Thursday 26th June the company arranged for all the birds (including goslings) to be slaughtered overnight. When staff returned to work the next day, questions where soon been asked as to why all the adults and goslings had vanished. The company have used health and safety as the excuse for taking the easy option.

Very often the saying "where there's a will there's a way" is true, and I seriously question weather United Utilities looked at all other possible solutions before the extermination plan was adopted such as egg tampering, strategic fencing, or planting waterside vegetation to name but three. The infamous Windermere cull was called off after protests and another solution was adopted there, it should have been possible at Lingley Mere too!

I call on United Utilities to pledge never to slaughter birds at Lingley Mere ever again. Nature will fill the population void over the coming years and history will repeat itself unless a non-lethal action plan is ready and in place.

I call on United Utilities to pledge never to slaughter birds at Lingley Mere ever again. Nature will fill the population void over the coming years and history will repeat itself unless a non-lethal action plan is ready and in place.

Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Sandwell Council are killing Canada geese in the Midlands. Please sign the petition by copy&paste www.thepetitionsite.com/178/547/121/stop-slaughtering, to request non-lethal ways.

Many thanks to 56000 signatories and Animal Aid who helped United Utilities into non-lethal control of its geese.The company is commended for listening, being open minded and embracing change. They have many methods to try between now and spring to deter geese. A big thank you to all involved in this outcome.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
There is encouraging news re asking United Utilities to adopt non-lethal plans to control Canada geese in Warrington. With 54,000 signers, they have decided to take advice off Animal Aid Society and research non-lethal options.

This isn't yet a declaration that our request has been met, but its progress. United Utilities must listen and end the slaughter, which is dragging their reputation as a green company through the mud.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thanks for signing my petition. It's created lots of interest, coverage so far:

5 regional newspapers
BBC TV text pages
Radio Merseyside interviewed Animal Aid,United Utilities refused.
Covered on about 30 news websites
Newspaper reader comments lean against killings
Newspaper poll: 64% against the killing
Most read news item of the day on 2 websites
20000 people have signed from all over the world

Do United Utilities have ears, a heart, or a conscience? If so can they show it please?
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