Stop the destruction of forests

Millions of acres of forest are destroyed each day which threatens wild life makes global warming increase and threatens humans

Many animals confine to the forest from the Brown bear of north american to the tigers of siberia but they all need the forests to survive. In the amazon rain forests Thousands of species are on the brink of extinction from habitat loss did you know there was once a pink dolphin in the amazon it is now extinct. Along with members of out own family, primates like the orangoutang which has been shown to care for other animals is threatened. Along with other animals. In north american bears and wolfs are threatened by this and soon we may not have any more of them.

Killing the forests also makes the air less clean for out children. Trees turn co2 into oxygen and if we do not have anymore of that then the air will not be as clean. So if you do not care about all the animals who are endangered make a difference for our fellow man so we can thrive on this earth for much longer.Thank You
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