Stop the Halal butcher/slaughterhouse opening in Basildon

People should sign this petition to stop the opening of a Halal butcher/slaughterhouse in Timberlog Lane. This practice is barbaric, inhumane and unecessary. It causes much distress to animals, is totally alien to British culture and causes offence to indigenous British people. 

It also presents a health hazard as situating this type of business in an area of food shops is far from ideal. It poses questions as to how this will affect local businesses and residents ie the distress noise of the dying animals, the disposal of blood and animal remains etc. It will have an adverse effect on shopkeepers and customers who will find this abhorrent practice on their doorstep to be totally repellent.

Please, please, please sign this petition, for the animals and for the people who live in the vicinity who have no wish to to be involved in any way with this disgusting and totally alien process.

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