HELP OUR MAUI DOLPHINS! - Help the endangered species of Maui Dolphins that live in New Zealand!

Help the poor Maui dolphins of New Zealand. These creatures are highly endangered and are only about 55 left currently living. The reason for such small numbers of them left is caused by people using fishing nets since they are the smallest dolphin in the world it is very easy for them to end up in a fishing net. So please help our Maui dolphins and take a stand for New Zealand wild life!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Thank you,

Hello thank you so much for signing my petition to help save the Maui Dolphins of New Zealand we have nearly reached our goal of 1,000 and I know we will get there soon so please share this with your friends, family ect and take a stand for New Zealand wild life.

Thanks again,

Te Aroha
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