Scottish Catholics, Support Gay Marriage!

  • av: Brittany E.G.
  • mottagare: Leader of the Scottish Catholic Church, Cardinal Keith O'Brien

The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland has declared August 26th National Marriage Sunday, has created the National Commission for Marriage and the Family, and has written a letter to be read at all of the 500 Catholic parishes in Scotland all to fight against gay marriage.

The Scottish Government is planning on legalizing gay marriage, with the earliest marriages happening at the beginning of 2015. Clergy will not have to carry out ceremonies unless they choose to. 

However, this is not enough for the leader of the Scottish Catholic Church, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who has called gay marriage "grotesque" and is urging both his followers and politicians to not "alter" what he believes marriage is, which is the union of a man and a woman.

Please tell Cardinal Keith O'Brien to stop all efforts that go against gay marriage and to support it instead -- all people deserve the same rights! 

Dear Cardinal Keith O'Brien,

Recently you declared August 26th as National Marriage Sunday, started a commission to fight gay marriage, and plan on having a letter against marriage equality read in all of Scotland's 500 Catholic parishes to get your followers to join you in fighting against gay marriage.

Please stop these efforts. Everyone deserves the same rights and to be treated equally under the law. Love is love.

Thank you for your time. 

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