Oklahoma: Stand United Against Rape

A 16-yr-old girl was raped orally while unconscious in Oklahoma, but courts there have dropped the charges against her rapist. The judicial system can do this because current legislation doesn't say that sexual with an unconscious person is rape. This blatant oversight in legislation has likely kept many a rapist walking free over the years. Fortunately, one legislator is ready to close this loophole. Unfortunately, not all his peers will agree.

Sign this petition to call for The Oklahoma General Assembly to pass the "Justice for J.W. Act of 2016" unanimously to send the message that no one can get away with rape.

J.W. is the 16-yr-old victim that will never see her rapist prosecuted. Witnesses saw him carrying her to his car because she was unconscious from drinking. One person road part of the way home with them and said she was not awake. J.W. was hospitalized that night because her blood alcohol was so high. During her examination at the hospital, her rapist's sperm was found near her mouth and on the back of her leg.

Even with all this evidence, her rapist will get away with his crime because of Oklahoma's poorly written laws.

The bill that will stop this kind of injustice in the future is named for this young victim. "Justice for J.W. Act of 2016" aims to include unconscious persons in the list of those who can't give consent for sexual acts. The bill's author, Representative Scott Biggs, said: "I am horrified by the idea that we would allow these depraved rapists to face a lower charge simply because the victim is unconscious."

But some Oklahoma lawmakers will vote to continue letting rapists off the hook. It is unethical for anyone to protect rapists. We need to tell our representatives to stand together against rape. All Oklahoma legislators should be ashamed of the current laws and vote for the passage of the Justice for J.W. Act of 2016 unanimously. Add your name below to tell all Oklahoma legislators to stand united against rape.

A 16-yr-old girl was raped orally while blackout drunk in Oklahoma, but courts there have dropped the charges against her rapist. The judicial system can do this because current legislation doesn't say that sexual with an unconscious person is rape. This blatant oversight in legislation has likely kept many a rapist walking free over the years. Fortunately, one legislator is ready to close this loophole. Unfortunately, not all his peers will agree.

Sign this petition to call for The Oklahoma General Assembly to pass the "Justice for J.W. Act of 2016" unanimously to send the message that no one can get away with rape.

J.W. is the 16-yr-old victim that will never see her rapist prosecuted. Witnesses saw him carrying her to his car because she was unconscious from drinking. One person road part of the way home with them and said she was not awake. J.W. was hospitalized that night because her blood alcohol was so high. During her examination at the hospital, her rapist's sperm was found near her mouth and on the back of her leg. 

Even with all this evidence, her rapist will get away with his crime because of Oklahoma's poorly written laws.

The bill that will stop this kind of injustice in the future is named for this young victim. "Justice for J.W. Act of 2016" aims to include unconscious persons in the list of those who can't give consent for sexual acts. The bill's author, Representative Scott Biggs, said: "I am horrified by the idea that we would allow these depraved rapists to face a lower charge simply because the victim is unconscious."

But some Oklahoma lawmakers will vote to continue letting rapists off the hook. It is unethical for anyone to protect rapists. We need to tell our representatives to stand together against rape. All Oklahoma legislators should be ashamed of the current laws and vote for the passage of the Justice for J.W. Act of 2016 unanimously. Add your name below to tell all Oklahoma legislators to stand united against rape.
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
More good news - the bill passed in the senate, though not unanimously as we had hoped. Now Governor Fallin has 15 days to decide whether to sign or veto the legislation. This is the last push! We need as many Oklahomans as possible to sign this petition to show Governor Fallin how much we want the new bill. Share today!
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Good news - the Oklahoma House voted unanimously (86-0) to pass this bill that would make it a felony to rape an unconscious person. Now it's headed to the Senate and we're hoping for the same. Remember to share this with OK friends and family, we need to keep the pressure on because some Senators are planning to vote against it!
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Lobbyists and legislators are trying to keep rape of an unconscious person legal! Senators Clark Jolley, Brian Crain, Nathan Dahm and Dan Newberry are all trying to make it go away. Defense attorneys under the name of Oklahoma Justice System have hired four lobbyists to kill the bill too.

Please share this with your OK friends especially. Each signature within OK will be sent directly to that person's legislator.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
The new language making sex acts against an unconscious person illegal is up: http://bit.ly/1ZcZTha. Now is the time to grow our numbers to be sure Oklahoma legislators know that we expect them to vote "yes" on this bill as it moves through congress. Share the petition today!
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