UPDATE! Help Stop Desert Dog Death Camp

  • av: Christen Schilling
  • mottagare: Supervisor John J. Benoit is the Chairman of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors

Follow this fast moving case on the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HelpStopDesertDogDeathCamp

In a typical tactic, defense asks for postponement of Preliminary Hearing, hoping all of our care and concern for the dogs that have died at the hand of Bernadette Schwenn will diminish over time.

NEW HEARING DATE: August 21st at 8:30 am Dept. N, Larson Center for Justice, Indio

Arraignment is MONDAY 7-29-13 NEED CALLS AND EMAILS BEFORE THEN: KEEP MOMENTUM GOING! TAKE ACTION TODAY by emailing Riverside County D. A. Paul Zellerbach, pzellerbach@rivcoda.org and call/email Sup. John Benoit (760) 863-8211jjbenoit@rcbos.org (You will get a voice mail. Leave a message AND email). Thank you! It's working. Keep the momentum going. Without this, she wouldn't be in jail. 1. Demand the D.A. and Supervisor Benoit push for NO Bail, she is a flight risk 2. Demand the D.A. and Supervisor Benoit make certain that if she makes bail, she is not be allowed to keep any animals while waiting for her trial 3. Demand that all puppies under the care of Bernadette's friend from the July 1, 2013 arrest be immediately turned over to Animal Control as evidence. 4. Demand that NO dogs be euthanized, and let them know that the Animal League Defense Fund will pay for all medical needs and behavioral evaluations of the dogs.

UPDATE! At approximately 10:30am on 7/25/13, Bernadette Schwenn was arrested on:

- 10 Counts Felony Animal Cruelty

- 2 Counts Misdemeanor Animal Cruelty

- 18 Counts Improper Care and Attention of Animal

This WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT YOU AND THE OUT-POUR OF SUPPORT! The arraignment is on Monday - anyone wanting to attend, please LIKE the Facebook Page: Help STOP Desert Dog Death Camp as that is where up to date information will be posted. We need to send a clear message to Schwenn, elected officials and the justice system that Animal Abuse WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

A dog hoarder is living in a surreal tent/tarp in the remote desert about 20 miles from Palm Springs. No food, no water, no electricity. Daytime temperatures in this region can reach 120 degrees, with temps near the ground reaching 135.

There are a minimum of 25 to 35 dogs, not including three or four litters that were just born. Of 40 newborns, 26 died from being cooked by exposure. There are still multiple pregnant females who are ready to deliver any day.  Year over year this has been allowed to happen.  The hoarder has had criminal violations in multi-counties in California but no one has stopped her.

Even though there are many dogs still alive on the property, it is likely many hundreds of dogs have suffered and died over the years from the heat, starvation and lack of water. Recently one of the young males died after being mauled as he tried to re-enter the camp after dark. There is not enough shade anywhere and during the day some of the dogs go off into the desert to squeeze under sagebrush for shade. When they re-enter the camp at night they have to crawl on their belly with their head down. This obviously does not always protect them from being torn to pieces.

Animal Control said it cannot go on the property because the owner has filed 3 lawsuits against them for trespassing. Animal Control made this statement in a search warrant... "A minimum of 11 visits to the property have been conducted to date by DAS Animal Control Officers… adult dogs were seen on the property during various visits as well as pups ranging from new born to six weeks old. Some visits water and food was present and other visits no water of food was available. Temperatures reached upwards of 105 degrees… Several pups were seen one day and not another. The smell of rotting flesh is prevalent."

Recently she was arrested for Cruelty to Animals, posted bail immediately, and returned to her property and the suffering dogs. The hearing on this will not be held until September, or may even be continued beyond that date.

Demand that the Riverside County District Attorney amend Release Conditions of Bernadette Schwenn so that she is banned from further access to or possession of animals pending her trial for animal abuse AND Issue a search warrant to look for mass dog graves.  Demand Riverside County Supervisor John Benoit, investigate the handling of this situation and take action.

Supervisor John Benoit

Riverside County Supervisor



Supervisor John Benoit

Riverside County Supervisor



Rita Gutierrez

Field Services Commander- Riverside Animal Services



Stan Sniff

Riverside Sheriffs Department



Robert Miller

Riverside Animal Control


Darin A. Schemmer

Communications Director for Supervisor John Benoit


John Hall

Public Information Officer District Attorney


Paul Zellerbach

Riverside County District Attorney


Paul Zellerbach

Riverside County District Attorney


Kevin Jeffries

Riverside County Board of Supervisors



John Tavaglione

Riverside County Board of Supervisors


Jeff Stone

Riverside County Board of Supervisors


Marion Ashley

Riverside County Board of Supervisors



Dogs are dying is mass quantities in your district and county. This dog hoarder has subjected animals to starvation, dehydration and extreme temperatures. Animal control has reported that they smell rotting flesh on her property and that her dogs are in danger for their lives. She was arrested on July 1, 2013 for animal cruelty. Since then, more cruelty has been found. Her pretrial release...

Dogs are dying is mass quantities in your district and county. This dog hoarder has subjected animals to starvation, dehydration and extreme temperatures. Animal control has reported that they smell rotting flesh on her property and that her dogs are in danger for their lives. She was arrested on July 1, 2013 for animal cruelty. Since then, more cruelty has been found. Her pretrial release conditions can easily be amended to ban her from possessing any animals pending trial. DA- amend Release Conditions so that she is banned from further access to or possession of animals prior to her trial for animal abuse AND issue a search warrant to look for mass dog graves.

SUPERVISOR - protect these animals in your district. Demand that dog suffering and death in the desert killing fields be stopped.

[Your name]

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