Stop using leather and fur

  • av: Chrissy Henker
  • mottagare: all care2members,,,,Government of Bangladesh

Toxic on your skin

Whether shoes, clock tape, belt, handbag, sofa, office chair or autoseats - leather lie in the trend. We get into contact every day with it, from child. Leather is natural.

watch the Video:;sv1#/beitrag/video/2000960/Gift-auf-unserer-Haut

Barefoot the young man stands in the leather tanning in the corrosive broth. He earns thirty euros in the month. He is not insured. If he becomes ill by the chemicals, the family starves. Children sort the leather parts according to size beside him. In outdated, dangerous machines. For some cent - they have no other choice. Everyday life in one of the thousands of tannings in Dhaka / Bangladesh. Poisoned rivers pull through the town in which the cheapest leather is produced for the world market. Also for Germany.

So of course that somebody hardly puts to itself the question: From which animal does the leather come for the change purse, actually? Where does it come? Is it actual only one by-product from German slaughterhouses? And: Is that what we carry there every day, actually, safely for our health?

Really leather can release because lifelong allergies, depending on where and how it was processed. The chemical chrome is used almost everywhere to the Ledergerbung. If is worked with it not carefully, the so-called chrome VI which is valid as allergy-releasing and cancer-causing can form. Beside other leather goods above all working gloves and children's shoes are often loaded according to studies.

A customer cannot make purchase decisions in the approach, because: There is not a marking duty from which animal a leather product comes from which country, or how it was processed with us.

The same is valid for fur - in hoods the trimming is also this year again largely in fashion. Millions animals are bred specially for this fashion and are killed, although to the buyers is not often clear yet that it concerns real fur. Besides, is also treated often with chemicals.

Of "37 degrees" of film investigates: Where does leather and fur come for Germany, actually? "37 degrees" of author Manfred Karremann investigates straight through Germany over Italy to Bangladesh and china. From the states into which he bumps, besides the customers anticipate nothing in Germany. Who thinks already of child employment in Bangladesh, animal cruelty or poison which can be off sick if he buys shoes?

There are many leather alternatives!

Dont buy leather and fur!

please sign and share!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

toxic on your skin:;sv1#/beitrag/video/2000960/Gift-auf-unserer-Haut

Barefoot the young man stands in the leather tanning in the corrosive broth. He earns thirty euros in the month. He is not insured. If he becomes ill by the chemicals, the family starves. Children sort the leather parts according to size beside him. In outdated, dangerous machines. For some cent - they have no other choice. Everyday life in one of the thousands of tannings in Dhaka / Bangladesh. Poisoned rivers pull through the town in which the cheapest leather is produced for the world market. Also for Germany.

Whether shoes, clock tape, belt, handbag, sofa, office chair or autoseats - leather lie in the trend. We get into contact every day with it, from child. Leather is natural.

So of course that somebody hardly puts to itself the question: From which animal does the leather come for the change purse, actually? Where does it come? Is it actual only one by-product from German slaughterhouses? And: Is that what we carry there every day, actually, safely for our health?

Really leather can release because lifelong allergies, depending on where and how it was processed. The chemical chrome is used almost everywhere to the Ledergerbung. If is worked with it not carefully, the so-called chrome VI which is valid as allergy-releasing and cancer-causing can form. Beside other leather goods above all working gloves and children's shoes are often loaded according to studies.

A customer cannot make purchase decisions in the approach, because: There is not a marking duty from which animal a leather product comes from which country, or how it was processed with us.

The same is valid for fur - in hoods the trimming is also this year again largely in fashion. Millions animals are bred specially for this fashion and are killed, although to the buyers is not often clear yet that it concerns real fur. Besides, is also treated often with chemicals.

Of "37 degrees" of film investigates: Where does leather and fur come for Germany, actually? "37 degrees" of author Manfred Karremann investigates straight through Germany over Italy to Bangladesh and china. From the states into which he bumps, besides the customers anticipate nothing in Germany.

We urge you to investigate working conditions in Bagladesh, and ban import of toxic products .We urge you to protect animal rights.


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