No hunting on our Pets

  • av: Peter Blattner
  • mottagare: National Council of the Swiss Government
In Switzerland there is a federal law that huntress and hunters allowed to shoot Pets that are more than 300 meters (328.08 yards) away from her own home.
Either way it's a shame because this cowardly Animal Killers every year shoot several thousands of pets and this just because they scare their prey! (One of the countless hunters lying fairy tale)
But often they shoot just for fun (for a little bit of practice) to our beloved dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and many other of our pets!
And this senseless cruelty must stop quickly right now!
With this petition I want to wake up the Swiss politicians and the people, as to this senseless cruel Law, finally, every Swiss citizen has the right to do so.
Therefore I request you, this petition signing as numerous as possible.
On behalf of all our beloved pets and animals, I thank you.
Kindest Greetings
Peter Blattner with the 13 years old Grandma Doberman Ilara and his Care Dogs. (7063 Praden, Switzerland) / My own Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Websites (the older founded on 2004 is written in German, the other new in the 2015 is in English)
This document (pdf) shows the principles of the Swiss animal protection Law act / status 2011
In English: Update of 16 Nov. 2015. Since a good week, and also thanks to the help of the animal friend James Moore, it runs better again with the collection of signatures! And so I have decided to increase the target to 15'000 signatures. More signatures give the petition also much more weight and importance in the female and male politician of the Swiss National Council! Many thanks to you all!
Auf Deutsch: Update von 16.11.2015: Seit einer guten Woche, und auch Dank der Hilfe des Tierfreundes James Moore, läuft es wieder besser mit dem sammeln von Unterschriften! Und so hab' ich beschlossen, das Ziel auf 15'000 Unterschriften zu erhöhen. Mehr Unterschriften verleihen der Petition auch mehr Gewicht und vielleicht auch mehr Wichtigkeit bei den Politiker/innen im Schweizer Nationalrat! Vielen Dank an euch alle!

I send my Petition-Text with all signatures to the Swiss Capital City Bern at the "National Council of the Swiss Government", I know via e-mail 2 politician of the "National Swiss Council" and I want to write them also a personal e-mail.

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