EPA: Protect Forest Streams and Rivers!

  • av: Naomi Dreyer
  • mottagare: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Forest roads dump significant amounts of stormwater containing sediment and other pollutants into the American streams and rivers. Public health, stream health, aquatic habitat, and the wildlife that depends on clean water are all impacted. It is time for EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to do more to protect clean water from forest roads.
After more than 20 years of deferring to state, local, and voluntary programs, stormwater runoff from forest roads remains a major threat to American waters. Existing programs are very inadequate at controlling this major source of pollution. EPA must do more to protect clean water. Now is the time for the Agency to take action to protect American water quality and all that depends on it.
Urge EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to make water quality and human health a priority for the nation, and adopt a federal program to protect clean water from forest road runoff.

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