Justice For Jody

Joanne Elizabeth Lecornu, my identical twin was murdered March 2, 1996 on my parents wedding anniversary while sitting in her car on the Caldor parking lot (Now the Drumcastle Government Center) York Rd., Baltimore, MD. 23 + years my family has battled with Baltimore County Police, Baltimore County and in recent years, State's Attorney Scott Shellenberger for the TRUTH. We have yet to see one record, including the original police report or her autopsy. We feel we are being stonewalled and have met with many state officials. Yet, we are in the same place we were 23 years ago. No transparency, no progress, and no records. We have been treated unkindly, inappropriately and impolitely. They told us her case was sitting in a closet for years - there's nothing they could do anymore...until I filed suit for her records. Then, I was told her case was an "ongoing investigation" WHICH IS IT? We would like the Baltimore County police to turn over the records to my family. ENOUGH - Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

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