Thank Judge for Protecting Critical Lynx Habitat

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Montana U.S. District Chief Judge, Hon. Dana L. Christensen

The judge has blocked 4 timber projects in Montana since May which would harm critial lynx habitat, despite the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services' conclusion that cutting and burning in the of more than 15,600 acres in the Big Belt mountains would not significantly harm the big cats' territory, even though the lynx pass through the area, using the area as a corridor.

The judge said the government approved those projects based on an unreliable conclusion they would not harm the lynx's critical habitat.

Thank Chief Judge Hon. Dana L. Christensen for halting the timber sale and upholding the Endangered Species and and protecting lynx habitat and lynx recovery,- rather than special interests from the logging industry.


Montana U.S. District Chief Judge
Hon. Dana L. Christensen

U.S. District Court Missoula
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
Chambers: 406- 829-7140
Main: 406- 829-7140
Fax: 406- 542-7284

The judge has blocked 4 timber projects in Montana since May which would harm critial lynx habitat, despite the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services' conclusion that cutting and burning in the of more than 15,600 acres in the Big Belt mountains would not significantly harm the big cats' territory, even though the lynx pass through the area, using the area as a corridor.

The judge said the government approved those projects based on an unreliable conclusion they would not harm the lynx's critical habitat.

Thank Chief Judge Hon. Dana L. Christensen for halting the timber sale and upholding the Endangered Species and and protecting lynx habitat and lynx recovery,- rather than special interests from the logging industry.


Montana U.S. District Chief Judge
Hon. Dana L. Christensen

U.S. District Court Missoula
201 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
Chambers: 406- 829-7140
Main: 406- 829-7140
Fax: 406- 542-7284

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