Update 4-1-2024
We are again asking for the BLM to meet with us and allow us to give citizen based reccomendations based on varied experts in many aspects of public lands. . We have invited them to join us and speak at the last three Saving Our Wild Horses and Wildlife.
Congress must act now to stop wild horses and burros from becoming extinct!
When Congress passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 they did so unanimously and stated that these majestic animals needed Congressional protection because they were "fast disappearing from the American scene." At that time the number of wild horses was down to approximately 60,000 from over 2,000,000 Today there are less than 64,000.
Wild horse & burro herd areas are being zeroed out rapidly and now number around 154 out of the original 329. Land designated as herd areas by the law have been reduced more than 50%. Between November 1, 2021 and October 31, 2022, nearly 20,000 wild horses and burros were removed from the range by brutal helicopter chase and bait traps. 244 wild horses and burros were killed due to broken necks, backs and legs, blindness, lameness, and exhaustion from being chased. Those who survived now live in long-term holding pens and a few are shipped all over the country to adoption events.
The Adoption Incentive Program (AIP) was created in 2019 by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as a means to 'adopt' out wild horses which pay the adopter $1000. This tremendously faulty program has resulted in thousands of wild horses being adopted by unscrupulous people who take advantage just to make money on the backs of American taxpayers and the wild horses themselves. Congress must step in and demand an end to the AIP immediately
The number one reason wild horses and burros are removed from the range? To benefit agribusiness, mining, and oil companies. Once the wild horses are removed, ranchers are allowed to have even more livestock (cattle and sheep) graze on our public lands at a heavy subsidized cost to the American taxpayer. Livestock and mining on our public lands are the number one reason for range degradation and loss of wildlife.
The BLM conducts most roundups based on AML's ('Appropriate Management Levels') which are not supported by scientific information. These made-up numbers must be refigured based on true science and proper range management plans. If the BLM continues to round up wild horses and burros based on these made-up numbers, none of our herds will be genetically viable in a few years time.
Congress must put a stop to the roundups until the BLM agrees to recalculate the AML for each individual herd area based on science.
There is new DNA science to prove wild horses are native to North America and, in fact, are listed as native in the state of New Mexico. But the BLM continues to scapegoat them by claiming they are feral. Wild horses are a keystone species that greatly benefit the ecosystem and are being used all around the world to regenerate habitats We need Congress to acknowledge this science and to look at the benefits we could gain by allowing wild horses to help regenerate our public lands.
This petition will be delivered to all members of Congress in April along with an information packet asking Congress to consider a better way to protect our wild horses and burros on the range. It is time for proper range management and for the brutal roundups and separation of wild family bands to stop. For more information go to saveourwildhorses.net wildhorsespubliclands.com In addition to signing this petition please call your member of Congress and ask them to support keeping our wild horses and burros on our public lands. You can find their contact information here: find-your-representative/Congressman
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