Save Trees in Maharaja Grounds

  • av: Mu R
  • mottagare: 1) Vice Chancellor, University of Mysore, 2) Pratapa Simha, MP, Mysore, 3) Pramod Madhvaraj, Minister of Youth and Sports, Government of Karnataka

It is observed that KSCA was handed over the ground for developing and promoting for which they already started the work.
But for which they already started axing the trees though initially they say its only the branches but the day will come (as they already marked the boundaries) more than 50% of the trees will disappear. (May go more than that depending upon exact plan)

It is possible to retain the trees if it is planned to keep few things what is already there and to construct in such a way that the new structure will not harm the environment.

We already have a ground in Manasagangothri, Earlier Glides now SNRWG, if at all such a new changes happen it will not be accessible to common man and for those who visit daily for various reasons may be from exercise / walking to time passers.

Already they have seperate courses for B.P. Ed for which students will be losing ground for entire course, if at all the ground is developed even within 2 years.

Present ground is hardly 1.5 to 2 km from Gangothri Glides or the SNRWG, so it is really required to have 2 such grounds which will deprive many others.

Ground next to it is also a big ground which will be used for hosting public meetings

It is possible to retain the trees if it is planned to keep few things what is already there and to construct in such a way that the new structure will not harm the environment.

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