Make it Illegal to confine dogs in cars in ALL 50 STATES

Its time that animals stop being considered property and being allowed to suffer deaths due to negligence or just plain laziness of their owners! Right now it is only illegal in 19 states for someone to leave their pets in cars in severe heat without any kind of ventilation! Hundreds of dogs die each year or even suffer BRAIN DAMAGE from as little as 15 minutes in an enclosed vehicle.

For Pete's sake -- its as easy as leaving the cars AC running or LEAVING THEM HOME where they won't be exposed to the severe conditions outside. Did you know the inside of a car is 20-40 degrees hotter than the temperature outside?

We all know sometimes you need to make aquick pitstopwith your pet but how many times do you see animals locked in cars at restaurants, shopping malls and grocery stores? Personally I see this a lot. People need to be aware of the danger these animals face when they choose to turn a blind eye and face repercussions when they choose to make these animals suffer.

I want everyone to know that this cause means a lot to me and everyone's support so far has been absolutely terrific! This cause doesn't JUST go for dogs, it goes for any animal and children as well! How many times in the last few years alone have we seen reports about parents leaving their children in hot cars to perish? If you can do it to an animal you can just as easily do it to a child! Neither one can defend themselves or call out for help when they need it. This cause isn't just for the dogs that are left out to suffer, it's for everyone and everything that can't fight for themselves and ask for help when they really need it! 

In order to make this a law everywhere we need to reach 100,000 signatures! I know it sounds like a lot but just sharing on facebook can help reach hundreds - even thousands more people! Share in groups, tweet to your followers! Please support me in protecting our furry friends and family members! Together we can make a difference and save lives.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
This cause doesn't JUST go for dogs, it goes for any animal and children as well! How many times in the last few years alone have we seen reports about parents leaving their children in hot cars to perish? If you can do it to an animal you can just as easily do it to a child! This cause isn't just for the dogs that are left out to suffer, it's for everyone and everything that can't fight for themselves and ask for help when they really need it!
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