Australia it is time to allow in cabin flights for pets.

So many pets have been killed or injured in cargo flights.. Not to mention the stress it puts on the pets and owners to be separated during a flight. And the fear of the risk owners are faced with every time they are needing to fly with pets in cargo... Since having my beloved pets and not willing to risk their life.. It has stopped me from flying altogether.. And so many others I speak to also feel exactly the same way... Australia is meant to be a pet friendly country and we are still so behind.. Which seems ridiculous and unknowledgeable to how much money Australian airlines would be making if they allowed this easy policy to take place.. Considering how many pet lovers are in this country and would prefer this any day to stressing about putting their beloved pets in danger in cargo like part of your luggage... And needing to wait the whole flight before knowing if your pet is safe..!! Australia wake up.. We are sick of missing out while other countries have already been doing pet friendly cabin flights for years..

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