If you have never owned a shelter dog then you do not know what unconditional love is, and how these animals instinctively know they have a second chance. Please sign my petition not for me for all the innocents God's creatures he put on this planet as our companions, however they need us to feed them not starve them, to love them not put them in a ring and show them hate especially the orientals they eat living puppies the slice them open alive these people are sick and I can no longer go to a doctor who is oriental because of their sick way of life they should be sliced open. I adoped Banjo on a Christams Eve. The shelter he was in stayed and waited for me since he was scheduled to be put down the very next day. He was nine months old, pure bread chocolate lab that barked constantly. The shelter had a blanket over his cage so he couldn't see other people or animals these idiots didn't understand a thing about a pup. We walked in and my husband told them "LET HIM OUT OF THE CAGE" with fear in their faces finally they opened the cage. When this angel came out he immediately sat and put up 2 paws. He didn't bark once. He was filthy from sleeping under trees. We took him we just knew God put us 3 together. We got a cheap colar and leash signed the papers paid the money and our boy Banjo jumped into the SUV. This was a puppy trained but beaten you could tell. Within a year this was dad's boy he even built Banj his own enclosure nearly 7000 feet enclosed. We had Banjo for 9 years because of the CHIP DO NOT ALLOW IT IF U CAN STOP IT THEY CAUSE CANCER WITH ALL THE CELL TOWERS THESE POOR DOGS ARE WALKING WITH THESE CHIPS THAT ARE HARMFUL IF THEY WEREN'T WHY DON'T THEY PUT THEM IN PEDOPHILES THEY RELEASE? BECAUSE THEY KILL. BANJO WAS THE BEST DOG A MAN OR WOMAN COULD WANT. We wished often if we went out he would pee down the cellar but no way he would not. Banjo went thru the deaths of my mom daddy's mom and 2 brothers and as if he knew he would comfort which one of us lost the loved one. He started choking for no reason I took him to the Vet. Banjo was a full blood labradore the field kind and became diabetic. But this choking I took him every other week to the Vet for 3 months the jerk never looked in his throat. His tonsils were huge a sign of Lymphoma since they are glands he was diagnosed I asked how long he said 6 weeks I couldn't imagine losing him so I sold everything I had in NYC to get the money or a human doctor oncologist who can give medication to aniamals. I got the 5 grand and we had our boy Banjo 4 months and 5 days and it was worth all the jewelry I sold until he looked at me one Sunday night he was hot lying on the cold tile in the bathroom. His look told me he had it I just knew. I called and didn't want to see him suffer anymore for us since we couldn't let go of him. I made it as best I could I put his blanket in the back seat of the car Banj loved his car rides and he was laying down too weak to look out the window. We pulled up in the parking lot the entire staff came out to say goodbye to him, I demanded a heavy sedative they gave him and they the needle, I layed with my arms around him on his back holding him tight with love he knew mommy loved him and that was it his eyes closed he tongue stayed in his mouth not some of the things I saw don't allow that to your fur baby. Why do I write this now because I have seen many picture of chocolate labs, the mexicans and orientals skinning them alive for their fur, don't ever buy fur its most likey from a dog. And if you must do what we did remember it was the hardest thing I had to do but if it was you that fur baby would do anything for you and remember the years of love they gave to you. So hold them tight and let them go. We must do something about the eating of dog meat and this fur trade now. Please sign my petition so I can get it out to the right people but its gona take us going on foot to make changes they can't talk we must be their voices. If I get enough signatures I will take it to DC but even them they don't care we are gona make them care please sign as a voice for one of them being abused neglected or skinned alive, PLEASE. I will try to put Banjo's pic here the firt one when we got him. WE MUST HELP THESE HELPLESS LOVING BEINGS FROM GOD. THANK YOU AND PRAY FOR ALL OF THOSE SUFFERING NOW PLEASE.
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