YouTuber Jake Paul Appears to Have Driven Through Beaches Protected for Endangered Turtle Nesting!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Puerto Rican Authorities

YouTube stars and brothers Jake and Logan Paul are known for behaving badly for more views, but this time it came at the expense of innocent animals and their babies. Jake Paul posted a video to social media that apparently shows him with a group of people driving around on a beach in Puerto Rico. But many beaches there do not allow driving because endangered species of sea turtles nest there and driving could destroy those eggs! 

Sign the petition to demand Puerto Rico charge Jake Paul for this crime as soon as possible!

Nesting season for these turtles is February through August, meaning the beach absolutely could have had turtle eggs on it. Given the YouTuber's internet popularity, it's especially important he is held accountable for this action. If he is not, many of his fans will get the same idea and mimic his total disregard for endangered species. 

One of the species that lays eggs on Puerto Rican shores is the critically endangered leatherback turtle, which is also the world's largest turtle. And that's not the only kind of turtle that lays eggs on Puerto Rican beaches that could have been harmed by Jake Paul's actions. Many locals have already spoken out about this reckless video that the Youtuber made of himself potentially killing turtles. 

Thankfully, local wildlife authorities are already investigating the case. Now we just need to be sure he doesn't get away with it just because he's famous. It's so important that we hold public figures responsible for harm done to animals, partially because everyone should be held accountable for this and partially because people with large platforms can inspire others to imitate the same bad behavior. 

Will you sign the petition telling Puerto Rico to charge him for this crime as soon as possible to discourage any more harmful actions!

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