Shut down the "The only good wolf is a dead wolf" facebook page.

Please protect americas wildlife by reporting this page and having it shut down for good . How dare facebook allow such a DISGUSTING page to even exist on their site. It is a clear depiction of graphic violence and yet when I reported it to facebook this is the message I recieved


Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the page you reported for containing graphic violence and found it doesn't violate our community standard on graphic violence."

How does this page not clearly depict graphic violence. Whether it be towards humans or animals. It is still graphic violence. The fact that facebook would even allow such a horrific site to exist on their site just goes to show how little facebook cares. Please help by reporting this horrible page to facebook and having it shut down for good.


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