Two Men Shot a Bald Eagle and 'Planned To Eat it Later'

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Two men in Nebraska went on a hunting expedition in Nebraska to kill a bird, planning to use it as a meal. But what they bagged wasn't just any bird: they accidentally shot a bald eagle. Yes, you read that correctly: they mistakenly killed a raptor that is protected under federal law.

The men seemed to genuinely be unaware that bald eagles were nesting in the area and that these animals are protected. Regardless, they claimed their intention was to "eat the bird later."

Clearly, the public needs better education around bald eagles.

Sign now to demand the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission increase public education and awareness for bald eagles!

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission can take simple steps to prevent this kind of tragic event from happening again in the future. If these men didn't recognize the bird they killed as a protected bald eagle, other people in the area are likely unaware bald eagles are nearby too. We must ensure that this information is easily available to the public!

By adding clear signage near bald eagle nests and sightings that describes how the iconic birds must be protected, respected, and left alone, we can keep other animals safe from wildly unnecessary killings like this.

Tell the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission: protect the eagles! Create signs that help educate the public on bald eagle habitat and protections. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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