give SPELLBORN a new live!

  • av: Xbot Seven
  • mottagare: the wole world of MMORPG publishers

SPELLBORN was unique (grafix were really artistic, of course not photo realistic, but thats not art.., gameplay was great, tactics was great, clothining, yes nearly every aspect of that gem of a game was unique) in so many ways. there are hundreds of mmorpgs out there nowadays, but why create 100 mmoprgs a year, when there was such a great thing? not the game was bad, but the publishers.

We hope there are some publishers out there who can give it a new life!

(there are some nice mmoprgs out there who are republished nowadays)

SPELLBORN was unique (grafix were really artistic, of course not photo realistic, but thats not art.., gameplay was great, tactics was great, clothining, yes nearly every aspect of that gem of a game was unique) in so many ways. there are hundreds of mmorpgs out there nowadays, but why create 100 mmoprgs a year, when there was such a great thing? not the game was bad, but the publishers.

We hope there are some publishers out there who can give it a new life!

(there are some nice mmoprgs out there who are republished nowadays)

Uppdatera #111 år sedan
we already saw some of the developers sign the petition, and there is much great feedback!
lets continue!
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