WePay: Stop Discriminating Against Sex Workers!

Sex worker Eden Alexander recently suffered a life-threatening reaction to a common Rx. She nearly died and was unable to work, so she started a donation campaign on Give Forward, a charity site serviced by payment processing site WePay. She raised $1,000 for medical expenses, a home care nurse, and a dog walker. 

All was well and good -- until WePay refused to release Eden's funds due to her "connection" to the porn industry. 

Eden was not violating WePay's Terms of Service in any way -- she was raising funds for medical and health care, not to create porn.

We live in a society that continually discriminates against sex workers who are just trying to make a living. Chase Bank recently shut down the bank accounts of hundreds of porn stars without reason.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to crowdfund when they're in need! Please sign the petition demanding WePay release Eden's funds and to tell them consumers will not stand for discrimination against sex workers.

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