Demand a end to the killing products of hartz dog company.

    Numerous people have come forward in supporting the fact that Hartz dog shampoo is dangerous and is killing their pups. Not just the shampoo, but company itself is NOT safe for your dogs. This debate has been going on since 1984, this needs to be put to an end. If just one person came forward to say this company’s products harmed their dog in any way this should have been stopped a while ago. Not many people know about this company’s dangers and go for their products for the cheap prices. People shouldn’t have to be worried and aware of these dangers, therefore this company needs to be shut DOWN.
    Our pups lives are at stake here. Help spread the word to take down this toxic company and save our dogs lives. A change needs to be done and it needs to be done now, like it should have been done 39 years ago.
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