Holley, New York Still Insists On Slaughtering Squirrels In 2017

  • av: Patrick O'Tuel
  • mottagare: City Council and Retailers of Holly, NewYork

Holly, New York is planning to continue their abhorrent Squirrel Hunting contest cruelly known as the 'Holly Squirrel Slam', despite a pending lawsuit and tens of thousands of compassionate people who are in objection to this atrocity. 2017 stands to be the most encouraging year in the history of animal rights activism, we cannot allow the year to start with the continued abuse and slaughter of one of our most beloved and vulnerable species of wildlife.
Photos Of Previous 'Slams' In Holly

Even more shocking are the baby 'pinky' squirrels who will become orphaned immediately after their parents are killed during this senseless carnage, without vital warmth and hourly feedings they too will die a slow freezing death. Many of these innocent babies will be scattered into the sub zero temperatures and snow when hunters fire from the ground upwards through the nests, this is the most common technique used when hunting Squirrels. A special firearm used specifically for Squirrel hunting is known as an 'over under' rifle which has two barrels, one that fires a .410 small bore shotgun blast into the nests and the other barrel fires a .22 caliber bullet used for making the 'kill' shot on the innocent animals as they flee for their lives from their now destroyed nests.
Unethical Hunting Field and Stream Magazine 

" It should be noted that several animal groups and individuals have offered to 'donate' the funds this contest is used to generate, however these donations have been refused without explanation every year". 

Please support this petition with your signature and send a stern message to the City Council and Business Sector of Holly, New York, that using these disgusting 'contests' as fundraisers and for fun and entertainment will no longer be tolerated in civilized society. 
Lawsuit Against Hunt reinstated

Facebook Page Legal Fund

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