Stop Dog Breed Discrimination

Dog breeds like Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Chows, and others have been receiving discrimination for years. Apartments and rental homes often have breed restrictions and cause countless citizens to get rid of their companions. A dog is only aggressive if you make it aggressive. You can't treat a certain breed differently from others for the bad rap that they have received. Its almost like racism, you can't hate all African Americans because a handful of them are criminals right? You can't hate Whites because a handful of them are drug addicts, right? So why hate a dog breed for the actions of individual dogs. You should sign this petition to get rid off breed discrimination. It is unjustified and cruel! I understand why a lot of these dogs have a bad image, but that's just what the media wants you to see. If there is a dog attack and it was a Pit or a Rotty, it would say "Person attacked by Pit Bull (or rottweiler) last night." If a person was attacked by a different breed like a Golden Retriever or a Boxer either they wouldn't air it, or they would say "Person attacked by dog last night". These dogs are just as well behaved as any other breed that doesn't have a bad image. It breaks my heart that somebody would give these dog breeds such a bad image. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this and I ask you to please sign this petition.
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