Don't Dam the Dolphins' River!

The Irrawaddy dolphin is a dolphin that curiously has no beak. Only 85 of these animals live in the Mekong river. There is a proposed dam that will have serious effects on this species.

During the construction, Mega First Corporation Berhad will blast the rocks, creating masses of sound waves that will damage their very fragile hearing badly. If they survive that, then they have more problems to deal with. Murky water will kill the fish they eat, starving everybody, including the Cambodian people who depend on fish for food too. Boat traffic and habitat destruction would kill off the remaining dolphins. This poor species would disappear forever.

The dam would only use 15% of the water flow!

The Mekong River is second only to the Amazon in terms of diversity. Sign this petition and demand the construction of this killer machine be stopped!!!!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
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I have changed the goal from 1050 to 2000.
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