No More Fires! (Human-Made)

It's time for all of us to stand together to fight back against fires caused by the failure to enforce existing "no camping/no trespassing" laws here at the San Gabriel River and surrounding land – an environmentally sensitive wildlife habitat.
We, a group of Azusa and Duarte, CA, residents and our supporters, demand that all local, County, State, and Federal authorities immediately enforce all laws intended to create safety in this high-risk fire zone/flood control channel adjacent to our foothill communities, and that such enforcement be sustained.
The August 2020 Ranch2 Fire arson blaze, which has burned 4300 acres of wilderness in the Angeles National Forest (ANF) near our homes, is only the latest of hundreds "accidental or intentional" fires at illegal encampments within the past 24 months in these mountains.
We believe in helping those who want it, but enough is enough!! We thank you for your efforts in supporting this movement. Please sign this petition to protect the ANF, the wildlife and local communities.

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