Tell Walmart: Stop Hurting Cats!!

Right now, cats are suffering.

The Poinciana Super Walmart (store number 5250) in Kissimmee, Florida have made the cruel decision to start trapping and have euthanized the cats who’ve called their property home for years.  These cats are feral, so after being trapped, they are killed.

These cats are being left unattended inside traps, in 90- degree heat with no water. 

Their caregivers who with permission from the General Manager, Gilberto Rosa and his Co- manager Paul, had implemented a TNR (trap, neuter, release) program and gave Walmart the information needed to humanely deterre these cats from living in their Garden Center and Parking lot islands, which they have not utilized. Instead they have chosen to have Animal Control trap and euthanize the cats instead of using these humane deterrents.

Walmart's Corporate Offices have not responded to our calls or letters and have resisted implementing humane deterrents - only a massive public outcry can stop this inhumane treatment.  Please call (407) 870-1903 and ask Mr. Rosa to stop trapping these cats and killing these cats.
Michael T. Duke President and Chief Executive Officer, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 479-273-4000.

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