Name the Moon "Geoff"

Are you tired of the moon not having a name? All the other planets' moons have super cool names like Phobos and Titan, and all we get is "the Moon?" That's just lazy, people. 

It's time for a change. It's time to name the moon "Geoff."

"Geoff" (pronounced Jeff) is not a randomly selected name. Here's what it means: 

GEO - Earth (because it's our moon)
F- Fickle (because it's always changing)
F - Friend (because it's always there for us)


Think this is silly? Well, it's not as silly as having a moon without a name. Think about it. The Sun isn't called "the star" and Earth isn't just "the planet," so why shouldn't the Moon have a name? 

The moon should have a name, and its name should be Geoff. 

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