Best Buy Price Gouged Harvey Victims Buying Water

  • mottagare: Best Buy
On the Friday before Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, a Best Buy was accused of price gouging on cases of water. They were selling the cases for an incredibly high $42, making them look opportunistic and greedy in a time of crisis. Since then they have apologized and blamed it on employees doing incorrect math because the store doesn't typically sell in bulk. 

Whatever the reasoning, Best Buy should make good on this mistake by donating water and funds to hurricane victim relief organizations.

By donating funds and clean water, Best Buy would be making clear that they didn't mean to take advantage of the situation and want to be good community members. During the months and years of recovery that Texas will face, it is especially crucial that large companies like Best Buy do their part to rebuild the communities in which they operate. 

Sign the petition if you'd like to call on Best Buy to make up for their price gouging by donating funds and clean water. 
Uppdatera #17 år sedan
As Hurricane Irma barrels toward Puerto Rico and Florida, residents are preparing for the worst. It’s more important than ever that we keep the pressure on Best Buy to donate water and funds to hurricane victim relief organizations. Please share this petition.
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