Stop Animal Testing: Use Another Alternative, Not Animals.

  • av: Brianna O.
  • mottagare: L'Oreal and other Labratories

Many labratories will test on animals that range from monkeys, rabbits and dogs to small rodents like mice. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this is utterly disgusting, using a helpless animal to test products for your own selfish needs.

Many people do not know that L'Oreal is a big cosmetic company that does this exact thing, testing on animals. They will purposely put harsh chemicals on rabbits eyes, yes, their eyes. They wil scrape the fur off of animals so they can test on their skin. Again, putting strong, harsh chemicals on them. Yet who buys these products, women all across the world. They either do not know, or simply do not care about how the product in their tube of revitalizing skin cream got there. Animals will be locked in small, cramped cages and sometimes even chained so that scientists can test on them without that moving. Put your pet in this animals place and think of how brutally cruel this is. You would not allow them to do this to your pet. These animals usually die.

This is disgusting. We need to make a change. Let's start now. Stop animal testing. Be the change you want to see.

Let's get animal testing extinct!

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