West Lafayette City/County Residents who OBJECT to the RE-ZONE of WLGCC Z-2956

The current West Lafayette Golf and Country Club has a Notice of Public Hearing on November 20, 2024. Z-2956 is a request to REZONE the golf course. This rezone request is for high density housing and will directly impact current traffic and population in the affected area and will lower your current home values because of the type of housing being planned.

Uppdatera #16 dagar sedan
Thank you for taking the time and signing the petition! We are attempting to inform the Tippecanoe Area Plan Commission that residents are not in favor of rezoning the current golf course so that a developer can build " high density " housing. If you could share this petition with any neighbors or friends that live near the golf course that could really help our numbers. I will be forwarding the petition to the APC next week! Thank you so much! Tracy Wem
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