COVID-19 Toronto Wedding Industry Agreement

Collective message from Ontario's Wedding Industry Vendors 

1. We the wedding professionals agree to abide by the recommendations set forth by the Ministry of Health of Canada and Government of Ontario
As of March 16th, the current recommendation is that events with over 250 people should not be occurring. We will honor all contracts that fit within the recommendations. If the Client(s) chooses to continue with their events the wedding professional has the right to decline based on the safety of themselves, their staff and their families.

2. All deposits/retainers are transferable to a new date if Client(s) choose to reschedule between March 30th, 2020 to March 31st, 2021. This is based on availability and will be on a first come first serve basis.

3. All deposits paid so far or as per the agreed payment schedule are non-refundable if the event(s) are canceled or a mutual date of availability is not agreed upon.

These implications are in accordance with health and safety restrictions set by the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario.

We recognize that these restrictions imposed by the health officials on the provincial level may change in the coming weeks as further information of COVID-19 becomes available. 

If you have further questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to your booked vendors directly to discuss options.

Members of the GTA wedding industry signing this petition are in agreement with the terms listed above. 

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