Pennsylvania: Stop the Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline!

The Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project is a 200 mile natural gas pipeline expansion proposal that would cut through countless wetlands and streams, impacting 2000 acres of forest in Pennsylvania.

The project is yet another attempt to expand dirty oil and gas pipelines through America, threatening public health and important environmental areas.

Natural gas pipelines are always at risk of leaks and explosions, threatening vital water resources. As well, there are increased health costs from respiratory illness due to the air pollution from the compressor stations along the route.

Opposition has been strong already but so far, the permits have been granted. There is only one permit left to be granted by the Environmental Protection Department of Pennsylvania. We must amplify the voices of opposition before this happens to ensure that the Atlantic Sunrise project stops.

The Environmental Protection department has already expressed concerns about the project and added pressure from concerned citizens like you could help them to do the right thing and reject the permits.

Sign today to stop the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project!

To Governor Tom Wolf, 
As someone who cares deeply about the environment I am deeply concerned about the proposed Atlantic Sunrise pipeline project. 
The project has widespread opposition in the state as well as the Environmental Protection department expressing concerns for its safety and environmental impact. 
It will endanger countless streams and wetlands as well as 2000 acres of forests. Not only that, it will endanger the health of thousands of people along the pipeline's path from air pollution from compressors. 
It is time to choose clean energy solutions that do not endanger the health of the population and the environment. 
I urge you to deny the final permit for the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline.
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