Urge Sri Lankan government to give death penalty to the killers of iconic Galgamuwa tusker

    Galgamuwa tusker wa s a majestic creature who used to roam between Kala wewa and Galgamuwa Sri Lanka. This iconic tusker stoop apart from the rest of his species due to the unique curvature of his tusks. Sri Lankan wildlife authorities noticed his absence for over two months and feared it to be permanent. At the same time they arrested some people with two elephant tusks that bear close resemblance to the tusks of Galagamuwa tusker .Further investigations revealed the act was well planned and that the tusker was nefariously killed, dismembered and the parts were buried in several places after the tusks were removed with the intention of selling. Standing in a position where investigations are still on going please sign this petetion to urge Sri Lankan government to give capital punishment to those who involved in this vicious crime irrespective of their status.
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