Iran, Don't Ban Women From Universities!

  • av: Brittany E.G.
  • mottagare: Iran Science and Higher Education Minister, Kamran Daneshjoo

36 Iranian universities have banned female students from more than 70 university degree courses for this school year, with a goal of weakening the Iranian women's rights movement.

Female students will not be allowed to take part in a wide range of programs including English literature, electrical and industrial engineering, computer science, business management, and others. Some schools say they will no longer accept female students at all.

For the past few years Iranian women have been doing better than men in education, with women passing the college entrance exams by three to two. Senior clerics in Iran are "concerned" about the effects of educational progress for women, such as lower birth and marriage rates, and believe that this goes against the traditional male dominated society.

Please tell Kamran Daneshjoo, the science and higher education minister in Iran, that this is discrimination and that everyone deserves the right to an education! 

Dear Kamran Daneshjoo,

Recently, 36 Iranian universities banned women from more than 70 university degree courses, and others say that they won't accept women as students at all.

It is unfair and discriminatory to not allow women into these programs, but allow men into them. Women deserve the same opportunities -- especially the right to an education -- as men do.

Please make sure that women are not banned from these universities and programs.

Thank you for your time. 

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