Animal cruelty and abuse is continually on the rise nationwide, including concerns in the state of Nebraska who currently does not have specific laws to protect these defenseless beings. There current laws state that “You can’t beat, torture, or burn animals. It is unlawful for anyone to willfully or maliciously kill, maim, disfigure, torture, beat with a stick, chain or club or other object, mutilate, burn or scald with any substance or cruelly set upon any animal. You have to provide the basics of food, water, shelter from the elements and proper veterinary care. It is unlawful to refuse, neglect or fail to provide proper food, drink, shade, shelter, physical maintenance, and veterinary care.” You can read more on their laws and concerns for animal welfare at
You can also read more on just a few cases of animal abuse and cruelty in Nebraska at, Animals do not deserve such mistreatment but the effort to protect them is through the creation and strict enforcement of an animal cruelty registry database.
An animal cruelty registry would be similar in stature to that of a child abuse or sex offender database, requiring that anyone convicted of any type of animal abuse be on this registry. All pertinent and personal information of the offender would be required and need to be updated on a regular basis, remaining on the registry for a lifetime. Additionally, once convicted of abusing or neglecting an animal in anyway, such persons should be banned from future animal ownership or even working with or caring for them. These steps might seem critical but this is the only method of speaking out and protecting those that cannot protect themselves, defenseless animals.
The effort in this petition is to encourage Nebraska to implement an animal cruelty registry in an ongoing endeavor to create such a database nationwide. The concern is to consider the well-being of all animals and provide them the protection they deserve. You can help in this matter by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments. Speak out for the voiceless in hopes of getting them protected state-by-state until it goes nationwide.
Nebraska State Legislators – I strongly urge you to implement an animal cruelty registry that would help save animal lives. An animal cruelty registry would be similar in stature to that of a child abuse or sex offender database, requiring that anyone convicted of any type of animal abuse be on this registry. All pertinent and personal information of the offender would be required and need to be updated on a regular basis, remaining on the registry for a lifetime. Additionally, once convicted of abusing or neglecting an animal in anyway, such persons should be banned from future animal ownership or even working with or caring for them. These steps might seem critical but this is the only method of speaking out and protecting those that cannot protect themselves; animals.
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