Protect Vegetarians in Georgia

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: President of Georgia H.E. Giorgi Margvelashvili

The vegans in Tbilisi's Kiwi Cafe just want to live in peace with all their fellow creatures, animals included. So it surpasses my understanding why this gentle cafe came under attack recently. A group of people stormed the premises and threw sausages, grilled meats, and fish at the customers. There's some suggestion of homophobia in this action as the cafe in question is a bastion of counter culture, a safe space not only for vegetarians, but also for gays and lesbians.

Georgia needs to learn to embrace diversity. Please join me in asking President of Georgia H.E. Giorgi Margvelashvili to issue a strong televised statement calling for acceptance of diversity, especially LGBT, vegetarians, and foreigners.

Dear President Margvelashvili:

I was shocked to lean that there is so much hostility against vegetarians in your country. Clearly, the vegan lifestyle is not for everyone. It requires a high level of self discipline and sacrifice. However, differences in your population should be accepted, even embraced. It appears that the attack on Kiwi cafe may be motivated by homophobia because the cafe is a safe space for people of diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. Again, the world should be safe for LGBT individuals. Please  issue a strong televised statement calling for acceptance of diversity, especially LGBT, vegetarians, and foreigners.

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