Defend Our Blue Planet for World Oceans Week – Commit to March For the Ocean NOW

The ocean gives us so much including oxygen, rain, food, work and wonder that it's time to give something back. The first week of June is World Oceans Week, so commit to protect what we love and to take action to defend the crucible of life on our blue planet.

Our public seas, already in crisis, are now at hugely increased risk from the Trump administration and Congress who are willing to put our environment, economy and health at risk for big oil and a handful of other polluting industries.

We must create a tsunami of citizen resistance to expanded offshore drilling and spilling, plastic, nutrient and other marine pollution and climate impacts. Add your name and commit to do the following:

I will wear Blue for the Ocean and March for the Ocean on Saturday June 9, 2018. Join us in DC, or find a local march near you!

I will work with and support organizations working to defend our seas.

I will work to end to offshore drilling and spilling and the onshore refineries and pipelines that endanger us and to replace fossil fuels with safe job-generating clean energy.

I will reduce my use of throwaway plastic and work for the reduction of plastic, petrochemical and other pollutants poisoning our seas, killing wildlife and putting our health at risk.

I will learn about and make the food, transportation, energy and consumer choices that benefit the ocean as well our health, pocketbook and family. One good source of information is 50 Ways to Save the Ocean. All profits from this book also go to ocean conservation.  

I will educate myself, and my neighbors on how we can protect ourselves from rising seas, coastal flooding, and other climate impacts on our Ocean, lakes and rivers.

I will work to restore salt marshes, estuaries, oyster reefs, rivers and other habitats that can protect and restore clean water.

From local zoning boards to national elections including the 2018 election I will 'Vote the Ocean' to protect our endangered communities - both human and wild. I will work to elect champions who support science-based solutions to the threats we face including offshore drilling and climate disruption and who will cherish our waters, coast and ocean from sea to shining sea.

I will work for a healthy ocean and clean water for all!

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