Stop Whaling in the Bahamas

  • av: Linda Bevans
  • mottagare: Perry Christie, Prime Minister of the Bahamas; Preston Cunningham, Administrator of Agriculture & Marine Resources; Queen Elizabeth II, Head of State; The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism

To stop the murder of whales off the coast of Abaco, Bahamas. These pristine waters will be the site of the death of these majestic and intelligent creatures.

The Japanese, due to both controversy and the dwindling population of whales in their region, are seeking new grounds to hunt and kill whales. The Chinese and Adam Finkle are seeking to exploit the whales strictly for profit, with no eye to the devastation or long-term effects for the ocean and the rest of the marine populations.

The Bahamians are not suffering from lack of food and whaling is not a part of the indigenous people's lifestyle.

An alternative would be for tourist to be taken on tours to sight the beautiful whales. This would be an excellent use of the new North Abaco Port and bring in new revenues. Imagine, as a tourist you go for a day of beautiful diving, and instead are witness to a massacre.

Be pro-active and help stop the potential disaster before it begins.

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