Support CanTeen's call for a dedicated youth cancer research fund

Young Australians with life-threatening cancers are being forced to travel overseas and pay astronomical medical costs for treatment due to a lack of research funding.

CanTeen is calling on the Federal Government to establish a dedicated youth cancer research fund so that clinical trials for this age group (15-25 years) and, in particular, 'early phase' clinical trials can take place in Australia.

Taking part in an 'early phase’ clinical trial is the fastest way to access cutting-edge cancer treatment, but the latest medical innovations are out of reach to young people here in Australia.

22 year-old Joey is a young cancer patient and CanTeen Member who is having to go to the University of Pennsylvania later this year to take part in a clinical trial, which is the cutting-edge treatment for his cancer type.

He will have to pay $800,000 before he even arrives – CanTeen believes that this is unacceptable.

Joey is very special: he is a young leader within CanTeen and is incredibly passionate about supporting other young people affected by cancer. What he doesn't talk about is that there are no further treatment options for him in Australia.

There should and could be if the Australian Government provides the necessary funding.

Every year, around 1,000 young people aged 15-25 are diagnosed with cancer and about 150 will die from the disease.

Please join CanTeen in urging the Government to get behind young people like Joey by committing $4M a year for a dedicated youth cancer research fund.

Re: Help young people with life-threatening cancers get the best treatment

Dear Minister,

Please establish a dedicated youth cancer research fund as a matter of urgency so that young Australians with life-threatening cancers don’t have to travel overseas to access the best cancer treatments.

I support CanTeen’s call for the Federal Government to commit $4M a year in funding to ensure that young cancer patients can take part in early phase clinical trials here in Australia.  

Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Exciting update!

Federal Health Minister Sussan Ley has announced that a re-elected Coalition Government will provide significant funding to run nationally coordinated clinical trials in cancer types with the highest mortality rates for adolescents and young adults, which include brain tumours and leukaemia. Find out more here:

Your support helped us achieve this fantastic outcome for young cancer patients - thank you!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Hi, my name is Peter Orchard and I'm the CEO of CanTeen. I want to thank you for signing this petition and give you a quick update.

I've recently met with the Department of Health to highlight the need for urgent funding to establish clinical trials so that young Australian cancer patients get early access to cutting edge cancer treatments.

I'm now seeking a meeting with the Federal Health Minister, who is very interested in greater access to clinical trials.

I’ll keep you updated!

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for signing our petition and supporting Joey. Thought you might be interested in reading/watching some of the media coverage of Joey's story:

- The Age
- Today Show:

The community has now raised an incredible $150,000 for Joey's treatment, but he needs $800,000 and would greatly appreciate your support. Head to to donate.
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