Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get Brevard County Animal Services thoroughly investigated regarding allegations that they conduct fights in their shelters between dogs and cats. After they were audited in March by the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court, it was determined that the facility tests how dogs and cats get along by tossing them together, often leading to fatal fights. Thank you for signing and sharing so that we can stop this practice!
In Titusville, Florida, the Brevard County Animal Services facility underwent a complete audit by the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and his findings reveal some disturbing news that is under investigation. The audit involved examination of data management, animal care, animal enforcement, financial management, workforce management, facilities, their mission and strategies.
They noted the facility utilized some non-standard euthanizing techniques and animal behavior tests. In order to determine if cats and dogs get along together before adoptions, it was noted that a dog would be thrown in with a cat. In one instance, after the "test," both animals had to be euthanized! The auditor stated that "the cat had to be euthanized from severe injuries, and , the dog was then euthanized on account of its own behavior. It made me mad, There's no reason to do that. A normal human being with any common sense would not do that." This is a common practice at this Animal Service facility. There are definitely more humane methods of determining what animals do well with others than to toss them in together to see if they can and will tear each other apart, leading to their ultimate demise in the end!
Of course, a spokesperson at the facility denies these allegations, stating they were a personal opinion of the auditor although documentation came from facts seen while at the facility. The audit was kept private for three months and after hearing nothing after that time, it was decided to make it available to the public. The Brevard County Animal Services is short staffed and making some poor choices in animal behavior and care prior to adoptions.
Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to get Brevard County Animal Services thoroughly investigated regarding allegations that they conduct fights in their shelters between dogs and cats. After they were audited in March by the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court, it was determined that the facility tests how dogs and cats get along by tossing them together, often leading to fatal fights. Thank you for signing and sharing so that we can stop this practice!
Brevard County Sheriff's Officials - Please complete a thorough investigation regarding the operational methods of the Brevard County Animal Services. Their animal behavior practices are cruel and inhumane, where they test if dogs and cats can cohabitate by tossing them together to see if they fight each other, often to severity. If the animals fail the test, one or both of them are then euthanized! You need to get rid of those within that facility who condone such methods, close the facility or implement specific regulations that bans such cruel practices. There are many other humane and gradual ways to test what animals get along with others aside from making them fight to bloodshed and ultimate test! Change these practices immediately and save these animals from ultimate demise. Rather than finding good homes for the pets, they are decreasing their numbers through animal fights; absolute animal abuse and cruelty! Stop the abuse and make these offenders accountable with fines, jail time, fines and other retribution.
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