The rhinoceros are among the oldest mammals roaming the earth, but that can all change due to the high demand for ivory in Asia which is causing the poaching of these animals to increase.
According to the Save the Rhinos organization, in the beginning of the 20th century there were over 500,000 rhinos spread out in different parts of Africa and Asia. At this time there was little to no demand for ivory, which meant the rhinos weren’t being poached for their horn and killed brutally for no reason. However, as time progressed the “need” for ivory increased dramatically affecting not only all rhino species, but elephants as well. By 1970 the population of rhinos had dropped to 70,000. Today, the number of rhinos has decreased drastically once again, to a total number of 29,000 rhinos due to the increasing demand for all things made of or containing ivory.
Ivory is made of compacted hair and keratin which is why it is most commonly used for medical practices in several parts of China, states Nic Barger Personal Psu article writer on endangered species. Ivory is also used to make art sculptures that people are willing to pay thousands of dollars for, without thinking how many lives of rhinos are taken. To the people who buy anything made of ivory it symbolizes their wealth and success, but the only thing they are really succeeding in is giving poachers more reason to kill and bring rhinos closer to extinction.
Rhinos are the animals targeted most often by poachers because of their poor vision, which makes them vulnerable and defenseless since they can’t spot out the poachers until it’s too late for them to get away. Although rhinos are large mammals they are able to run 40 miles per hour, but unfortunately they are surrounded and unable to run away when they see the poachers. Many rhinos have been found, after being attacked by poachers, hanging on for their life as they slowly bleed to death due to the removal of their horn and maybe gunshot wounds. The poachers don’t seem to really think or care about the impact the extinction of rhinos will have, which is why we need to care and fight for these defenseless animals together to save them.
Rhinos are getting closer to becoming extinct every year and many people seem not to know or care about this crisis. If we continue to ignore this problem we will lose these beautiful animals because of the people who think hunting and poaching is a sport or a quick way to make money. The killing of rhinos isn’t just a game or sport a comedian Paul Rodriguez once said, “Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they’re in the game.” All the rhinos being poached and hunted are completely unaware of the danger their lives are in.
By helping save the very few rhinos that roam the earth, we would also be saving other mammals, birds, fish, insects, and even plants. We may not all see it, but all animals are connected together somehow and losing just one kind of species, due to extinction, can have a major impact on not only the wildlife but our lives as well. We have the power to do something about it now before it’s too late.
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