In France, some people consider 13 mammals species like “harmful”:
Weasel, raccoon dog, ferret, rabbit, marten, polecat, coypu, rat muskrat, raccoon rat, raccoon, Fox, wild boar and American mink
and 6 species of birds:
Raven Rook, Crow, Starling, Eurasian Jay, magpie chats, wood pigeon.
"Harmful" means that these animals are huntable during the hunting period and/or during a specific period defined by each prefect ?
Do they have the necessary knowledge in environmental matters, to sign such decrees?
We can only doubt about this.
In addition, this means that these animals, important to the balance of the ecosystems, may be trapped throughout all the year !
Despite numerous published scientific studies since decades, demonstrating, with irrefutable evidence, that each animal is involved, according to his predisposition to the functioning of ecosystems between them, France continuous to categorize these essential species, with the horrible term of "harmful" which is, no doubt, reading of such studies, a total aberration.
This French particularity done considerable harm to these species, on the national territory, of course, but also at an European level, since it violates the right to let these species participating, at a global level too,to the environmental sustainability heritage which has, alreday, be damaged by that sort of lamentable thinking with the equal deplorable acts.
We can not longer continue, in this century of renewal, to accept this French feature based on lack of knowledge of biodiversity which, unfortunately, for mercantile and personal reason, some politicians or lobbying, continue to promote this absurd idea based on backward of a certain past consciences who mainly work, with this way of thinking, to destroy the pre-existence ecological harmony ; which we know, today, how this way of thinking had created this global and national environmental mes
Thus, species proliferated because their natural predators were missing and, due to this dark backward idea, to categorized species such as 'harmful' and to eradicated or restricted them into closed places had not and will never - as evidenced by the United Nations in one of its reports - participated in the resilience of ecosystems between them.
And we now know how it is so important too act with respect and intelligence to coexist with all species to save what we can.
Beyond that, is it desirable to continue to teach our children today, this idea, which does not promote desirable and desired respect for all species and life ?
This is the reason for which, we urge the French Ministry of Environment to banned this term and what it entails, forever, in the ecological and environmental places, when we discuss about the others animals species and ask, as well, a national law to prohibit the use of this terms and practices.
And, in the light of what some extremists anti-biodiversity advocate, it is really urgent!
The reason why we are sending this petition to the Ecological European Administration is to called these members to watch out the situation in France and do your best to help the French and European citizens to ban this hawful idea for ever.
Cordially yours,
Collective Citizen for the Protection of predators.
Alain Bertrand do not speak with the back of a spoon.
It confirms his position against Wolves, in citizen area or at least, in the area where men practical activity, and will even further with a draft proposal of law that would go against the wolf presence in thess present case.
In earlier this week, Senator Mayor of Mende signed a sent email to all his parliamentary colleagues informing them of the untenable situation in certain sectors where canis lupus reappears.
“This large predator sows disorder and insecurity in our campaigns".
Its presence is incompatible with the local agricultural activity, security of goods and persons.”
"Our ancestors developed, during centuries, a mass killing of the wolf".
What excess or what laxity should have we left to accept a wolf expansion that nothing justified?”
"The presence of the Wolf must be confined in a very specific and non-inhabited territories"
And Alain Bertrand continue:
"I seeks my support to, quickly, be able to create total exclusion zones where the large predator be declared undesirable and therefore harmful, with regard to the security of assets of persons and the exercise of human activities"
Remind him that the Wolf is a strictly protected species in France as in Europe and knowing this, the senator says:
"When a law is bad, we must change it, French or European"
Mende, September 14th - Midi-Libre lozère, september 14th, page 3.
To be ridiculous do not kill ; a chance for him !
The French "harmful" species... An insanity for all !
Dear Members,
Dear M Potocnik,
In France, some people consider 13 mammals species like “harmful”:
Weasel, raccoon dog, ferret, rabbit, marten, polecat, coypu, rat muskrat, raccoon rat, raccoon, Fox, wild boar and American mink
and 6 species of birds:
Raven Rook, Crow, Starling, Eurasian Jay, magpie chats, wood pigeon.
"Harmful" means that these animals are huntable during the hunting period during or a specific period defined by each prefect ?
Do they have the necessary knowledge in environmental matters, to sign such decrees?
We can only doubt about this.
In addition, this means that these animals, important to the balance of the ecosystems, may be trapped throughout all the year !
Despite numerous published scientific studies since decades, demonstrating, with irrefutable evidence, that each animal is involved, according to his predisposition to the functioning of ecosystems between them, France continuous to categorize these essential species, with the horrible term of "harmful" which is, no doubt, reading of such studies, a total aberration.
This French particularity done considerable harm to these species, on the national territory, of course, but also at an European level, since it violates the right to let these species participating, at a global level too,to the environmental sustainability heritage which has, alreday, be damaged by that sort of lamentable thinking with the equal deplorable acts.
We can not longer continue, in this century of renewal, to accept this French feature based on lack of knowledge of biodiversity which, unfortunately, for mercantile and personal reason, some politicians or lobbying, continue to promote this absurd idea based on backward of a certain past consciences who mainly work, with this way of thinking, to destroy the pre-existence ecological harmony ; which we know, today, how this way of thinking had created this global and national environmental mes
Thus, species proliferated because their natural predators were missing and, due to this dark backward idea, to categorized species such as 'harmful' and to eradicated or restricted them into closed places had not and will never - as evidenced by the United Nations in one of its reports - participated in the resilience of ecosystems between them.
And we now know how it is so important too act with respect and intelligence to coexist with all species to save what we can.
Beyond that, is it desirable to continue to teach our children today, this idea, which does not promote desirable and desired respect for all species and life ?
This is the reason for which, we urge the French Ministry of Environment to banned this term and what it entails, forever, in the ecological and environmental places, when we discuss about the others animals species and ask, as well, a national law to prohibit the use of this terms and practices.
And, in the light of what some extremists anti-biodiversity advocate, it is really urgent!
The reason why we are sending this petition to the Ecological European Administration is to called these members to watch out the situation in France and do your best to help the French and European citizens to ban this hawful idea for ever.
Cordially yours,
Collective Citizen for the Protection of predators.
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