Our buildings are banning our family's best friends our dogs. We are getting denied a place to live because of the breeds of our dogs. We are getting evicted because of the ignorance,our dogs are getting put in shelters where half are put to sleep.
Why ban us? Instead of us getting banned why can't they just put extra rules. A higher fee if the dog is over a certain weight or if they are a breed that people share their ignorance over let's say the pit bull put extra rules such as muzzles while walking the building dogs must be crated when owner leaves the apartment things like that, but stop denieing us a place to live stop banning our best friends There are people that depend on service dogs that are now being told after their dogs death they cannot have any other dog.How cruel does that sound.WHY IS THAT BEING TAKEN AWAY. It isn't right to us and it isn't right to our animals. STOP HURTING US
Please support proposed legislation that will outlaw such actions
Assembly BIll 6949 would prohibit breed dicrimination in housing and requires landlords to judge applicants dogs based on their behavior rather than their breed.
The bill will make it way easier for us to get housing, it will help us keep our homes and may even lower the shelter rate and the rate of strays,less animals will killed off in shelters.

Please I beg you show us that you have a heart and support A.B. 6949

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