Punish TikTok Users Who Encourage Others To Slap Their Pets And Tie Their Ears Together!

Who thinks it's fun and funny to slap their pet, or to bind a cat's ears together?

Add your name if you agree that TikTok should ban the users who commit these heinous acts and encourage others to do it too!

"POPULAR app TikTok has become a hotbed of animal cruelty where thugs are punching helpless dogs and tying tight bands around cats' ears, a Sun Online investigation can reveal.

"The video-sharing platform is a massive hit among youngsters - yet beneath its surface of teens lip-syncing to songs and adorable puppies running around, it is perpetuating horrific animal abuse.

"While users are supposed to be aged 13 or older, the app requires no age verification - aside from entering a date of birth - meaning children of any age are able to record, upload and view videos.

"Yet among these clips is sick content that would horrify most of their parents, who assume their child is simply trawling through silly dance challenges, celebrity 'Tiks' and cute kittens on their phone," reported The US Sun.

Get it?

Children are watching people slap their family pets, and torturing cats with pointless actions because they think it's "funny".

What are kids learning from this?

But it gets worse.

"Our investigation uncovered videos of dogs and cats desperately trying to escape as they were battered around the head to music, in footage branded a "dangerous abomination" by animal rights group PETA.

"Among them was a clip of a confused black dog attempting to bite its owner as it was repeatedly slapped on the back to an explicit version of the children's song If You're Happy and You Know It.

"The violent footage had been 'liked' by more than three million users," said the same source.

Who would LIKE something like that?

"Another clip saw a helpless cat trying to protect itself as it was whacked on the head. And a third - now removed from TikTok - captured a small dog being brutally punched in the side of its jaw.

""These videos are a dangerous abomination – particularly for impressionable viewers, including this platform's younger users," PETA director Elisa Allen tells Sun Online.

""They normalise treating animals disrespectfully, even physically abusing them, and there's a risk of 'copycat' behaviour by people who are desperate for publicity and attention – even the negative kind"," the same source went on.

The way forward is clear.

TikTok must take strong and immediate action to end the display of cruelty on their video platform.

We're asking them to remove all such videos, and permanently ban the people who made them.

Are you OK with kids learning that animal abuse is fun and funny? No?

Then add your name to demand that TikTok ban the users who create these videos, once and for all!

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