A British woman was filmed kicking and punching a horse after the animal became disorientated

UPDATE: The woman in the video has reportedly been identified, lost her job and an investigation by the RPSCA has been launched. So far, there are no reports of animal abuse charges being laid. Please continue to sign and share the petition to encourage local authorities to investigate and lay charges if appropriate, but please do not harass the woman in question directly. 

A woman was caught on camera in Rutland County, Britain losing her temper at a horse, kicking, punching and shouting at the scared and confused animal. The footage was caught by an onlooker who can be heard gasping in shock as they watched the abuse unfold.

Sign now and urge the Leistershire Police to find the woman responsible and charge her for the abuse of this animal!

The footage was taken at the Cottesmore Hunt, which can be dated back to the 17th century and has a rich history in England. A spokesperson for the hunt said in did not support the actions of this woman and condemmned animal abuse within the event. The event itself is one of hunting for sport which in itself is violent and the woman is seen to be projecting this violence onto a innocent animal. 

The footage taken is violent and upsetting to watch and the woman involved in the incident has yet to be found. She had a lack of disregard for the horses welfare and was clearly extremely short tempered and abusive towards it

Act now and tell the Leistershire Police to investigate this crime immediately and hold the woman responsible for it by charging her with animal abuse!

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