URGENT HELP NEEDED Local no-kill shelter in danger of closing URGENT HELP NEEDED

PIX BY Jeremy Marshall Harkness  


Sarah Bell was abused for years by her former owners, and her teeth were filed down, so she could not fight back against them. Her body was covered in scabs and sores. She was afraid of strangers, especially men, and the first time Robl saw her, Sarah Bell’s whole body shook with fear.

Here is the url to the rest of the story:


They can use ANYTHING you can spare, NOTHING IS TO SMALL.  

So, they can use the money they receive towards medical bills.  Office supplies are always needed, stamps, ink, pens, paper, whatever type of folders they use, envelops, or laundry supplies:  soap, stain remover, fabric softener. 

If you live in the area contact them to possible be a foster parent.  You can foster for your local rescue too, and help your local rescue like this too.

Every breed of animal has a rescue, dog, cat, horse, bird or whatever the animal, help them so they do not end up closing.     THANX

Thanx, for all your help.

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